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Showing posts from August, 2021

Anti Aging Eye Cream - A Daily Must For Youthful Skin

To care for the skin around the eyes and prevent aging skin, lines and wrinkles an anti aging eye cream should be part of the daily beauty routine. An eye cream can also help to reduce crows feet, frown lines and firm and tighten the skin for a youthful appearance. The skin around the eye area shows the first signs of aging due to poor diet, toxicity, a lack of sleep, stress and environmental factors like sun exposure. With age our hormone levels change (especially in women). Lower levels of estrogen's cause dry skin and less skin elasticity which causes saggy wrinkly skin.  The skin around the eyes is about 10 times thinner than on the rest of the face. It also has less oil glands which causes a lack of natural moisture in the skin. Therefore it needs special attention and a separate anti aging eye cream. Your normal facial moisturizer could be too oily and heavy for the delicate eye area. This can cause Millie, those white bumps under the skin. Best Anti Aging Eye Cream Ingredien


You can't avoid the effects of aging.…. It’s an unfortunate fact of life that no matter what you do to naturally help the anti-aging process, some lines and wrinkles will eventually appear. The good news is, if you catch them before they become too deep, there are treatments - dermabrasion and microdermabrasion - that can smooth out fine lines and reduce the effect of aging. So, what is dermabrasion? A simple way of describing dermabrasion is as a skin refinishing treatment where the outermost layers are scraped away leaving just the smoother, fresher skin below.  Dermabrasion is a radical treatment - a complete surgical process that should be performed only by a trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist. Before agreeing to dermabrasion, make sure your doctor is properly qualified as the result is going to affect your face, the part of your body that friends and strangers are drawn to first. What happens during a dermabrasion procedure? Have you ever used an electri

Chemical Peels

What are Chemical Peels? As we age, the outer layer of our skin begins to show the symptoms of aging skin - fine to deep lines and wrinkles, age spots, crepiness and discoloration. Chemical peels are primarily used as an anti-aging treatment for the skin. The procedure involves the application of a chemical solution to the facial skin to improve the surface texture by removing its damaged outer layers revealing the softer, younger looking skin beneath.  Chemical peels are a radical procedure though not as invasive as cosmetic surgery, which can be an effective anti-aging treatment for facial blemishes like age spots, wrinkles and uneven pigmentation. Can chemical peels be done on any skin type? Chemical peels can be done on nearly every skin surface. However, if you have sensitive skin or have a darker complexion, you will want to talk to your chosen physician at length about the results that you can expect. Some people can experience scarring and discoloration after a chemical

Anti-Aging Skin Care Ingredients

The quest for the ultimate anti-aging ingredient.. Anti-aging skin care is in a state of constant development. With huge profits being ploughed into more and more research, cosmetic companies and dermatologists are continually taking the quest for the ultimate anti-aging ingredient up to the next level.  So how do you pick your way through the minefield? What should you be looking for in an anti-aging skin care product to avoid wasting your hard earned cash on ingredients that simply don't do what they claim? Two key questions to ask about any ingredient.. In our opinion there are two key questions to ask about any anti-aging skin care ingredient or product: Firstly - is there reputable research evidence to show that the ingredient works when topically applied?  Many cosmetic manufacturers jump on the latest bandwagon from the anti-aging industry and take anti-aging ingredients that have been shown to be effective orally and add them to a skin care product.  That's fine if ther

Daily Anti-Aging Skin Care

It makes sense to take care of your assets…. You may never feel the need for more radical anti-aging treatments if you follow a good anti-aging skin care routine. Cleanse, tone, exfoliate and moisturize - if you are not following these steps daily, you are not taking proper care of your skin. Using products with proven anti-aging ingredients like retinol (retina) and alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) help remove the dead skin cells to allow new skin to grow, minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, keeping skin properly cleansed, hydrated, toned and moisturized on a daily basis not only minimizes fine lines but helps protect skin from the aging process. Proper skin care keeps skin looking younger for longer and the time focused on you helps you to feel great. If you can discipline yourself to do this consistently on a daily basis you can visibly improve the texture of your skin, makeup will go on more easily and look better and you will feel wonderful. Cleansing - a critical daily anti

Bodybuilding and the Olympics

The bodybuilding and the Olympics is always a debate in this place and time when the London Olympics are in full again the question arises whether bodybuilding should be considered as an Olympic sport. Of course there are those who favor and those who are against it and each wields arguments to be taken into account. There are those who say that if the weight lifting has long been an Olympic sport, why can not be bodybuilding? However, it would be necessary to begin by asking if the bodybuilding should be considered a sport. Doing a bit of history may be recalled that between 1970 and 1980 there was a significant attempt to make the split bodybuilding participate in the Olympics as a sport but always getting a negative response by government agencies basing their decision on the fact that bodybuilding can not be considered a sport. On the other hand, the definitions that exist on “sport” are ambiguous and in the case of the dictionary of the Royal Academy: “Sport is all physical activi

The benefits of physical exercise for pregnant women

Keeping fit during pregnancy has many health benefits. The practice of physical exercise improves blood pressure. Protects against gestational diabetes helps maintain proper weight can improve your posture and relieve back strain and leg cramps. It also increases psychological well-being by reducing anxiety depression and insomnia. Physical exercises indicated for pregnant women Moderate exercise can strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis and lower back so necessary during labor. Before you start exercising, you should consult your gynecologist or midwife because there may be a cause that contraindicates physical activity during gestation, such as a threatened abortion risk of preterm delivery an incompetent cervix placenta. If you were already an athlete you can continue with the program of exercises you followed before becoming pregnant. You must adapt to the anatomical and functional modifications that the pregnant woman experiences as the pregnancy progresses. If you do not

How to look good during pregnancy

The pregnancy is a wonderful step in the life of the woman. However, many women face this stage in fear for the physical changes that your body undergoes. It is a matter of following some tips to feel more beautiful on the outside during the gestation period, as giving us some whim or exercise. If you want to look good during pregnancy helps you get it. Looking appropriate clothing for pregnant Obviously during pregnancy kilos are won and sometimes women do not feel comfortable with your weight gain. Doctors recommend gain between 11 and 16 kilos, although it depends on the constitution of each woman. In any case, there are specific brands of clothing for pregnant and clothing all styles woman. Sure to find clothes that will help you look prettier! Exercise to feel beautiful The exercise during pregnancy is recommended. Although your doctor should tell you what type of exercise is the best for you to do as your pregnancy, walking or swimming are usually sports that most pregnant women

Colic – What It Is and What to Do

WHAT IS COLIC? All babies cry, usually 1 or 2 hours a day. It’s their way of telling you that they’re wet, hungry, tired, in pain, or lonely.. But some babies cry a lot more than others. If a baby cries for more than 3 hours a day, at least 3 days a week, it’s called colic. Colic is quite common, appearing in up to 1 out of 3 infants. It usually starts when the baby is between 2 and 4 weeks old, and usually disappears at around 3 months of age. The symptoms can vary in how intense and how frequent they are. A child suffering from colic is usually healthy, feeds eagerly, has a good appetite, and looks completely fine when not crying. Colic shows up as bouts of irritability with crying. It’s more common in the afternoon, evening, and night-time hours, so the baby being tired may play a part. None of the usual methods to calm a baby seems to work — neither feeding, nor holding, nor rocking stops the crying. A typical crying spell usually lasts 4 or 5 minutes. When it’s over, the baby rela

Tips for losing weight

Losing weight is always the goal to achieve. Whether showing off in summer or simply to maintain good health, food must be monitored. Achieving weight loss is based on hard work, mainly awareness. The time we spent in the gym is fine, but when we get home is the most important. As we always say, losing weight is not achieved only on the basis of heavy exercise. Everything is based on energy balance to steer well in your life. If calories are consumed above that are spent, the conclusion is easy: you fat. If you spend more than you consume, you will lose weight. As you can see, the theory is very easy. Therefore, to maintain an energy balance, you ought to control the quantity and quality of food. Usually after a good physical exhaustion, want to relax on the couch, accompanied by a good dinner and a good dessert. At that time your mind is what comes into play to avoid this uncontrollable desire to loot the lockers. The exercise has nothing to do. Think about it. It is worth throwing aw

Children Fevers and Infections

CHILDREN FEVERS AND INFECTIONS Small children can very easily develop a high temperature without being particularly ill. The most common cause of fever is infec­tion, usually of the throat or nose. Increasing the temperature is one way the body tries to resist infectious bacteria and viruses. A baby’s temperature typically ranges between 97.5°F and 99.5°F. Some children have even greater changes in their normal body temperature. Temperatures are lowest at night and highest in the afternoon. Putting your hand on a child’s forehead is not a reli­able way to measure temperature. Your baby will have to get used to having his or her tem­perature taken with a thermometer inserted into the rectum (bottom) or in the armpit. Of even greater importance than measur­ing the temperature is observing your baby. Signs that he or she may not be well include the following: appearing “limp” and slug­gish; not wanting to sit up, to talk, to play, or to eat or drink; and not getting any better after recei

10 Ways To Deal With Pregnancy Bloat

Find yourself struggling with more gas and digressional stress than normal during your pregnancy? Find out why and discover 10 ways to deal with pregnancy bloat below! Causes of Bloating During Pregnancy One of the main causes of bloating during pregnancy is the increase of progesterone, a hormone that relaxes the muscles in your body including the digestive tract. This can lead to slower digestion, thus leading to bloating and gas, especially after a large meal. As your pregnancy progresses the growing uterus takes up more space in the abdominal cavity, thus further slowing digestion and pushing on your stomach causing even more bloat and discomfort. This is why many pregnant women also tend to struggle with heartburn or constipation during pregnancy even if they’ve never dealt with them before. Though bloating is a common issue that most pregnant issue struggle with, thankfully there are several simple solutions. The below ten tips can help you to combat your pregnancy bloat while al

Dieting: Nobody Said It Was Always Going to be Easy

If you’re currently on a weight loss diet, you probably already know that sometimes losing weight can be hard work. Many times it’s all one can do just to resist the daily temptations. Even if you’re incredibly committed to the idea of losing weight, there are probably times when you’re tempted to just give up. When your willpower is wearing thin and you just don’t think you can stick to your diet for another day, it’s important to find ways of dealing with your diet challenges. Here are a few tips and tricks you can use the next time your diet seems to be an uphill battle. Take it One Day at a Time Although it’s good to have long-term goals, focusing on the total amount of weight you want to lose can sometimes be a bit overwhelming and intimidating. Instead, try setting small weekly goals for yourself. Instead of worrying about how you’re going to stick with your diet for the next month, focus on just keeping today on track. By looking at the “small picture” instead of the “big pictur

Planning Your Daily Treat

If you’ve ever been on a restrictive diet plan, you probably experienced cravings for foods you weren’t allowed to have at one point or another. In some cases, you might have been able to control your cravings and as a result were able to stick to your restrictive diet plan. However, it’s also highly probable that sometimes you gave in to your cravings. In fact, your cravings might have even snowballed into an overeating binge or giving up on your diet completely. It’s human nature to want the kinds of foods that one shouldn’t have on a weight loss diet. But instead of totally denying your cravings until they force you to go completely overboard, why not limit yourself to one small treat a day? Here are a few creative ways that you can reward yourself for sticking to your diet while keeping your cravings under control at the same time. Planning Your Daily Treat Planning is the key to indulging your cravings without going totally overboard. If you take the time to think about what your

Weight Loss Plan: What’s a Quick Way to Lose Weight?

The best way to lose weight is to do it gradually but if you are like most people you will want to shed extra pounds as quickly as possible. Your goal may be to look fabulous at a reunion or wedding. Crash diets and fad diets that allow you to lose 21 pounds in 21 days can be very tempting but these diets do not work for long-term weight loss. If you are looking for a quick way to lose weight, it should be done safely and in the right way. Plan Ahead Quick and dramatic weight loss like the ones you see on TV must be supervised by a physician.  At home, you can safely lose 2 to 4 pounds a week with a healthy diet and exercise. It’s important to keep in mind that you can’t lose weight overnight.  Plan ahead and allow enough time for your body to shed those extra pounds. Your weight loss plan should be something that you can continue to follow even after the special event. Eat Less, Exercise More The formula for losing weight is very simple: burn more calories than you eat. A deficit of 5

How to Lose Weight While Eating Out

In today’s busy world, most people find themselves eating at least one of their daily meals in a restaurant on a fairly frequent basis. Although many people immediately assume that the meals served in restaurants are always higher in fat and calories as compared to home-cooked meals, this is not always the case. In fact, it’s actually possible to eat healthy and low-calorie meals in restaurants, as long as you are careful as to what you order. Asking plenty of questions can be one of the best ways of making sure eating out doesn’t ruin your weight loss efforts. Here are a few questions to ask when ordering meals in restaurants. If you’re not able to discover the answers on your own, don’t be shy – ask the restaurant personnel for the answers. What Ingredients Were Used to Prepare the Dish? Depending on the restaurant and its menu, you might find it either quite easy or totally impossible to answer this question on your own. Today some restaurants are making more of an effort to provide

8 Winning Breastfeeding Tips For New Mothers

You just gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby. Your only thought is to make sure that she stays that way. You have decided to breastfeed but are worried about doing it right. Don't worry, you aren't alone, even experienced mothers have those concerns when a new baby arrives. Here are a few simple and easy tips that can help you and your baby get the best out of breastfeeding. 1. Do not be Afraid to Ask for Help if You Have Problems Breastfeeding Don't be afraid to ask for help. You can learn all about something from reading all of the books but real life rarely conforms to the perfect world that exists in books. If you are having problems breastfeeding your baby, or just aren't sure of something do not be afraid to seek help. You can seek advice from your doctor, a nurse, or a lactation specialist. 2. Eat Healthy Diet for You and Your Baby All of the nutrients that your baby will be getting will be coming from you. Make sure that you eat properly to keep both you and

Low Milk Supply and How to Produce More Breast Milk

What is Low Milk Supply One of the major worries that many breastfeeding mothers encounter is fear of inadequate milk supply. You may watch for the signs that indicate your baby if he/she is getting enough milk for instance their weight gain, sleep or general mood.  Your milk supply very often follows closely with your baby’s demand. Some babies are just small drinkers, so low supply does not always mean your breastmilk supply is low or inadequate. You supply is fine as long as your supply is good enough for your baby. If you really experience too low or little breastmilk, you may need to consult your lactation specialist for help to increase your milk supply and stay in contact with your health care professional. How to Increase Breast Milk Supply? | 7 Tips to Produce More Breast Milk Effectively The following tips may help you to increase your milk flow: 1)  Breastfeed More and Pump More - Increasing Supply The more you breastfeed or pump, the more you will get.  Try to increase brea

Foods to Avoid When Pregnant

Though you don’t have to be overly careful of the foods you eat now that you are pregnant, there are certain foods that should be avoided at all costs. Read on to find out more about the 12 foods to avoid during pregnancy! 12 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy 1. Avoid Caffeine Just 200 milligrams of caffeine a day is the considered safe amount during pregnancy, however caffeine can hide in more than just your daily mug of coffee. Caffeine can lurk in many other foods and beverages, including some herbal teas, chocolate, hot cocoa and soft drinks. Though there are some energy drinks that contain less caffeine than coffee, these drinks have been linked to increased blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythm and should be avoided as well. 2. Avoid  Alcohol There is no safe limit of alcohol consumption when you are pregnant. The best way to ensure that you deliver a healthy and strong baby is to avoid alcohol all together, regardless of the type of beverage or amount. Studies have shown that d

How to Get Pregnant Quickly?

When trying to get pregnant, women will try many different methods and bits of advice so as to be able to get pregnant as quickly as possible. Chances are, tips are coming in full force from your friends, family, and co-workers, but much of the advice is based on personal experience, and in some cases, even old “wives’ tales”. However, it is essential for you to rely on scientifically proven tips and methods on how to conceive quickly. So, if you have been trying to conceive for years now without success, read on for some proven and helpful tips that may increase your chances for a rapid and fast conception. Proven and Useful Tips on How to Get Pregnant Quickly •Timing is The Key. If you want to get pregnant quickly, then it is important for you to track, in detail, your monthly ovulation cycle, as this will indicate the best times to have sex in order to increase the chances of conception. Ovulation is the time when the matured egg is released from the ovaries, travels down to the fal

Getting Pregnant After 40

Conventional wisdom says that as we age, so too does our ability to do certain things that we could when we were younger. This hard reality affects many people in many different ways, each and every day. These cases include the performance of an athlete, the memory capacity of an academician, and even the reproductive capacity of women. Time is not always on our side, and it is inevitable for women to face a decline in our fertility as we age. However, at this moment in time, it is still possible to conceive, though the chances are, of course not as great as they were at an age of ten or twenty years younger. The increased difficulties faced by women over 40 trying to conceive are often as a result of the changing hormonal balance of the body. It is also vital to note that conception after 40 leaves one more at risk for complications, and other pregnancy-related issues. If you are trying to conceive after 40, here are some of the most essential tips that can help you get pregnant. The

5 Tips on How to Increase Fertility in Women

Pregnancy, especially if desired by the couple, certainly creates a bond for a more lasting relationship. However, at certain times, couples seem to have a hard time conceiving and have tried any number of ways to actually make it happen. However, the advice that you may hear from different people all over town may not be as effective for you as it was for them. In turn, this leads to more disappointment for the partners. In this case, it is more important to rely on scientifically based tips in order to increase your fertility. So, take these bits of advice and tips to heart in order to help you with your goal of getting pregnant soon. 5 Tips on How to Increase Fertility in Women 1• One of the best methods to increase fertility lies in your kitchen. Fueling your body with a well-balanced diet that integrates a wide variety of different types of whole foods makes the bodily systems functions well, particularly reproductive health. Nutrients, vitamins, and minerals all act together to h

How to Get Pregnant At 40?

Just like any other living being with the ability to reproduce, humans too are subject to that undeniable “game changer” called TIME, and with that time comes physiological degradation. These changes include reductions to our strength and stamina, our ability to participate in certain activities, decline in certain mental capacities, as well as our ability to reproduce. Advice for How to Get Pregnant At 40 As women age, our chances of conceiving and giving birth begin to decline, and the potential for complications begins to rise. However, if you started late in life and would like to get pregnant at 40, then there are some ways to improve your chances to conceive. Some of the proven and effective tips are as follows: Timing Is Everything Just as it is for young women of prime childbearing age, timing is incredibly important to increase the chances of conception. This is especially true for those of more “advanced age” trying to conceive. Timing, in this sense, means that you need to h