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Anti Aging Eye Cream - A Daily Must For Youthful Skin

To care for the skin around the eyes and prevent aging skin, lines and wrinkles an anti aging eye cream should be part of the daily beauty routine. An eye cream can also help to reduce crows feet, frown lines and firm and tighten the skin for a youthful appearance. The skin around the eye area shows the first signs of aging due to poor diet, toxicity, a lack of sleep, stress and environmental factors like sun exposure. With age our hormone levels change (especially in women). Lower levels of estrogen's cause dry skin and less skin elasticity which causes saggy wrinkly skin.  The skin around the eyes is about 10 times thinner than on the rest of the face. It also has less oil glands which causes a lack of natural moisture in the skin. Therefore it needs special attention and a separate anti aging eye cream. Your normal facial moisturizer could be too oily and heavy for the delicate eye area. This can cause Millie, those white bumps under the skin. Best Anti Aging Eye Cream Ingredien

Anti Aging Eye Cream - A Daily Must For Youthful Skin

To care for the skin around the eyes and prevent aging skin, lines and wrinkles an anti aging eye cream should be part of the daily beauty routine.

An eye cream can also help to reduce crows feet, frown lines and firm and tighten the skin for a youthful appearance.

The skin around the eye area shows the first signs of aging due to poor diet, toxicity, a lack of sleep, stress and environmental factors like sun exposure.

With age our hormone levels change (especially in women). Lower levels of estrogen's cause dry skin and less skin elasticity which causes saggy wrinkly skin. 

The skin around the eyes is about 10 times thinner than on the rest of the face. It also has less oil glands which causes a lack of natural moisture in the skin. Therefore it needs special attention and a separate anti aging eye cream.

Your normal facial moisturizer could be too oily and heavy for the delicate eye area. This can cause Millie, those white bumps under the skin.

Best Anti Aging Eye Cream Ingredients

For the sensitive skin around the eyes I recommend only gentle natural ingredients that do not irritate the eyes or the skin:

  • Glycolic acid to exfoliate and reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Aloe Vera, rich in amino acids and vitamins to deeply moisturize and balance the skins ph
  • Chamomile for soothing and antioxidant properties
  • Echinacea to soothe and firm the skin
  • Ginkgo extract for maintaining youthful skin
  • Glycine, an amino acid essential for Collagen production
  • MMP Inhibitors to maintain firm and elastic skin and slow down the signs of aging
  • Proline, an amino acid to provide firmness and elasticity
  • Liquor ice to treat puffy eyes and soothe
  • Grapeseed for powerful antioxidant defense
  • Soy protein, rich in isoflavones, antioxidant, brightening and collagen repairing
  • Green Tea, moisturizing, soothing and antioxidant
  • Q10 to repair cell tissue and antioxidant
  • Cucumber tightens and firms
  • Mulberry bark brightens pigmentation spots

Anti Aging Eye Cream or Eye Gel?

Cream or Gel? Which one is best?

In general, gels are more for younger skins while creams are best for mature skin types.

Eye gels are often used to reduce puffiness and tired eyes due to their cooling effect. Eye creams contain emollients that nourish and moisten the skin and plump up fine lines.

I prefer light eye fluids or something that is in between gel and cream. They won't clog the pores and cause blackheads or Millie. Too oily creams can sometimes run into the eyes and cause irritation and watery eyes. Fluids are also absorbed nicely by the skin without leaving much residue on the skin surface which makes the make-up application much easier!

Daniela's 15 Tips For Beautiful Eyes

  1. Detox, if you have puffy eyes or dark circles its probably a sign of a toxic body.
  2. Drink plenty of water, good for health all over, it helps to flush out those toxins and for a healthy hydrated skin (from the inside)
  3. Have lots of good fats in your diet. The Essential Fatty Acids make your skin soft and supple and nourish from the inside
  4. Get plenty of sleep. A lack of sleep shows in red, tired eyes and dark circles.
  5. Don't sleep on your face. Often easier said than done, if you can't like me, use a satin pillow. The satin helps against creasing of the skin while you sleep!
  6. Wear sunglasses to prevent squinting
  7. Use a light formulated, but high in SPF Sunblock
  8. Take Nutritional Supplements for maintaining healthy eyes, Bilberry and Carotenoids help to keep our eyesight healthy so we don't have to strain and squint.
  9. A Antiaging Nutritional Supplement will help to maintain healthy youthful skin from the inside
  10. Avoid rubbing your eyes vigorously
  11. Use only very gentle cleansers and exfoliants around the eyes
  12. Cigarette Smoke inhibits blood flow and the oxygen transport to the tiny little capillaries and therefore causes premature lines and wrinkles.
  13. Too much alcohol is dehydrating you and causes lines, wrinkles also puffiness and dark circles
  14. Try not to frown. It can become a habit without you even realizing it. Continuously frowning causes the muscles between your eyes to get tight. Deep frown lines are the result.
  15. Start using your anti aging eye cream at an early age if possible - prevention is better than treatment


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