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Anti Aging Eye Cream - A Daily Must For Youthful Skin

To care for the skin around the eyes and prevent aging skin, lines and wrinkles an anti aging eye cream should be part of the daily beauty routine. An eye cream can also help to reduce crows feet, frown lines and firm and tighten the skin for a youthful appearance. The skin around the eye area shows the first signs of aging due to poor diet, toxicity, a lack of sleep, stress and environmental factors like sun exposure. With age our hormone levels change (especially in women). Lower levels of estrogen's cause dry skin and less skin elasticity which causes saggy wrinkly skin.  The skin around the eyes is about 10 times thinner than on the rest of the face. It also has less oil glands which causes a lack of natural moisture in the skin. Therefore it needs special attention and a separate anti aging eye cream. Your normal facial moisturizer could be too oily and heavy for the delicate eye area. This can cause Millie, those white bumps under the skin. Best Anti Aging Eye Cream Ingredien

Getting Pregnant After 40

Conventional wisdom says that as we age, so too does our ability to do certain things that we could when we were younger. This hard reality affects many people in many different ways, each and every day. These cases include the performance of an athlete, the memory capacity of an academician, and even the reproductive capacity of women.

Time is not always on our side, and it is inevitable for women to face a decline in our fertility as we age. However, at this moment in time, it is still possible to conceive, though the chances are, of course not as great as they were at an age of ten or twenty years younger. The increased difficulties faced by women over 40 trying to conceive are often as a result of the changing hormonal balance of the body. It is also vital to note that conception after 40 leaves one more at risk for complications, and other pregnancy-related issues. If you are trying to conceive after 40, here are some of the most essential tips that can help you get pregnant.

The 5 Best Strategies to Employ for Getting Pregnant After 40

1- Be mindful of your weight. For obese women, or those with a body mass index of 34 or higher, at a much higher risk for suffering from problems with infertility than their counterparts of a healthy weight. Being obese greatly reduces your chances of not only getting pregnant, but carrying to term as well. By being overweight, a woman is also more likely to develop certain diseases during pregnancy such as high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and many others. There is also a great risk for miscarriage for pregnant women who are obese or overweight. Being overweight also alters the production of your hormones which, in turn, decreases your chances of conceiving especially in your forties.

2- Gradually decrease your caffeine intake. Caffeine has been found to be one of the many culprits associated with women who are facing difficulties with conception. Although one’s early morning coffee is hard to resist, or imagine giving up, it would likely help your chances of conception if you gradually decrease your caffeine intake. You do not have to go “cold turkey”, but slowly decreasing your intake, as well as keeping temptations like coffee out of the house will certainly help.

3- Being underweight can be just as detrimental as being overweight. As is the case with those who are overweight or obese, your reproductive abilities also suffer if you are underweight. Take note that being underweight puts you at a higher risk for certain gestational conditions as well. These include bleeding, miscarriage, and carrying a small-for-gestational-age baby. If you are underweight, it is helpful to increase your caloric intake the healthy way by turning to lean proteins, and of course, making sure to get plenty of fruits and veggies.

4- Drop the habit. If you are a smoker, then it is high time that you stop the habit right away. Smoking is associated with infertility amongst both sexes. Take note that the effects of nicotine are not only localized in your respiratory system, but also to other systems in your body such as your reproductive system. Cigarette smoking has been found to cause alterations in the woman’s egg resulting in a reduced ability to conceive.

5- Diet makes a difference. It is also possible to get pregnant after 40 by eating a diet of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in vitamins which will not only have a positive impact on your health, but better prepare your body for conception and full-term pregnancy.


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