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Anti Aging Eye Cream - A Daily Must For Youthful Skin

To care for the skin around the eyes and prevent aging skin, lines and wrinkles an anti aging eye cream should be part of the daily beauty routine. An eye cream can also help to reduce crows feet, frown lines and firm and tighten the skin for a youthful appearance. The skin around the eye area shows the first signs of aging due to poor diet, toxicity, a lack of sleep, stress and environmental factors like sun exposure. With age our hormone levels change (especially in women). Lower levels of estrogen's cause dry skin and less skin elasticity which causes saggy wrinkly skin.  The skin around the eyes is about 10 times thinner than on the rest of the face. It also has less oil glands which causes a lack of natural moisture in the skin. Therefore it needs special attention and a separate anti aging eye cream. Your normal facial moisturizer could be too oily and heavy for the delicate eye area. This can cause Millie, those white bumps under the skin. Best Anti Aging Eye Cream Ingredien

Daily Anti-Aging Skin Care

It makes sense to take care of your assets….

You may never feel the need for more radical anti-aging treatments if you follow a good anti-aging skin care routine. Cleanse, tone, exfoliate and moisturize - if you are not following these steps daily, you are not taking proper care of your skin.

Using products with proven anti-aging ingredients like retinol (retina) and alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) help remove the dead skin cells to allow new skin to grow, minimizing fine lines and wrinkles.

In addition, keeping skin properly cleansed, hydrated, toned and moisturized on a daily basis not only minimizes fine lines but helps protect skin from the aging process. Proper skin care keeps skin looking younger for longer and the time focused on you helps you to feel great.

If you can discipline yourself to do this consistently on a daily basis you can visibly improve the texture of your skin, makeup will go on more easily and look better and you will feel wonderful.

Cleansing - a critical daily anti-aging skin care step.  

Don't ever skip a day of removing makeup. Not cleansing properly can strip the skin of natural oils that are important to keep it soft and healthy. Use a gentle cleanser, and apply it with fingers, moving in a circular motion. If you're using a face wash, splash off with warm water and pat dry with a towel.  Cleansing creams are better for drier skins or look out for a facewash with moisturizing content and anti-aging ingredients. Always use special anti-aging products that are formulated for your specific skin type.  

Remove eye make up very carefully and thoroughly. Do each eye separately one at a time. Close one eye, look with the other. You should use a specially formulated make up remover for the eyes rather than a facial cleanser. Eye make up removers are usually less heavy and creamy and formulated not to sting or drag the delicate eye area. 

Cleanse the first eye gently and completely before you begin the second one. Tip – moistening the cotton pad slightly with warm water helps the eye make up remover to take effect and stops cotton filaments from the pad getting into your eyes. Wipe the pad from the brow downward over your closed lid to the base of you lashes. Do not drag against the skin. Repeat several times until the entire lid is clean. 

After removing eye make up use an eye bath to get rid of any tiny particles of make up that may have gone into the eye. This is especially important if you use a mascara with filaments. Cleansing the eye in this way is also a refreshing and healthy thing to do.  

Exfoliate to let in the moisture…

Dead cells prevent moisture from being absorbed into the skin, so exfoliation is a vital part of your anti-aging beauty routine. A granular scrub or cleanser with AHA will help to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. You should exfoliate your face 2-3 times a week or as indicated by the product you have chosen.

Don’t forget other neglected areas of the body that tend to accumulate dead surface skin - elbows, heels and knees dry out more quickly because they are constantly bent and flexed. Use a loofah if your skin can tolerate one or a synthetic puff if it can’t. Check for thickened dry skin on your feet and remove it regularly with a callous remover. 

Tone to tighten the pores and restore pH…

Applying a toner also takes off any remaining cleanser and makeup. Look for a very gentle anti-aging toner without alcohol which can dry your skin. 

Active ingredients in anti-aging skin toners include vitamin C which acts as a fantastic anti-oxidant and helps the body formulate collagen. AHA and Almond oil extract both calm and heal skin.

A face pack is a great way to firm and improve skin tone. Clay-based face packs draw impurities from your pores, and tighten and refine the skin. Alternatively, there are a number of special anti-aging moisturizing face packs to nourish and help the skin regain its elasticity and firmness. Having a face pack once or twice a week is a relaxing treat and a great addition to your anti-aging skin care routine.

Moisturize to feed your skin…

After cleansing, exfoliating and toning, apply moisturizer. Applying moisturizer immediately to freshened, receptive skin will enable the nutrients to sink deeper into the skin, protecting it and feeding it throughout the day. Applying moisturizer last thing before you go to bed enables the skin to feed and restore itself properly during the crucial night time hours. You will probably need an anti-aging day and night moisturizer – night time creams are heavier and richer and a daily anti-aging moisturizer should always contain an SPF to protect your skin from all the elements.

Carry your moisturizer down to the neck and décolleté area – regular care here will pay dividends later as this an area that can really reveal age if not cared for properly. If you want to be extra thorough with your anti-aging routine, invest in a neck and decollate treatment and use it twice a day. Otherwise just use your normal anti-aging moisturizer. Use a lighter specially formulated anti-wrinkle moisturizer for the eye area, patting in lightly with the finger tips. 

You need to apply extra intensive moisturizer to dry skin areas and areas such as elbows and heels.  You can buy an extra rich foot cream and use this on your elbows as well. Ordinary body moisturizer won’t be rich enough to hydrate this extra thick skin. 

Night-time is a great time to apply extra rich creams to your feet, hands and elbows since the cream can be applied thickly and allowed to sink in properly. As an extra treat for feet and hands which are dry and rough, you can apply an extra thick layer of intensive conditioning cream and then wear loose cotton gloves and socks – not very glamorous but wait till you feel your skin in the morning!

Lips are very delicate and can dry out easily. They are also a special area for anti-aging care as they soon show the passing of time and can loose fullness. They need to be protected and moisturized to maintain a plump, healthy appearance. Use a special anti-aging lip balm with sunscreen. 

To keep skin fresh and hydrated all day, you can spritz lightly with one of the water-based misters on the market. Beloved by many celebrities, spritzing skin delivers additional hydration during the day especially in difficult conditions like air conditioning, over heated offices or houses, strong sunlight, long-haul flights.


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