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Anti Aging Eye Cream - A Daily Must For Youthful Skin

To care for the skin around the eyes and prevent aging skin, lines and wrinkles an anti aging eye cream should be part of the daily beauty routine. An eye cream can also help to reduce crows feet, frown lines and firm and tighten the skin for a youthful appearance. The skin around the eye area shows the first signs of aging due to poor diet, toxicity, a lack of sleep, stress and environmental factors like sun exposure. With age our hormone levels change (especially in women). Lower levels of estrogen's cause dry skin and less skin elasticity which causes saggy wrinkly skin.  The skin around the eyes is about 10 times thinner than on the rest of the face. It also has less oil glands which causes a lack of natural moisture in the skin. Therefore it needs special attention and a separate anti aging eye cream. Your normal facial moisturizer could be too oily and heavy for the delicate eye area. This can cause Millie, those white bumps under the skin. Best Anti Aging Eye Cream Ingredien
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Anti Aging Oily Skin Product, Treatment & Care

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How to Choose a Tanning Salon

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Taking Care Of Combination Skin – How To Do It?

How do you know you have combination skin? When some parts of your face are shiny and greasy, some parts are patchy and dry! Using skin care products for oily skin makes the skin oilier and using dry skin care products further dries up the skin. Such a condition is a characterized mark of Combination Skin. And it is a not an easy task to maintain combination skin. If you are one of those battling the tribulations of combination skin, here is some handy information. What is Combination Skin? Combination skin is a combination of oily and dry skin. The T-zone of the face (i.e. the forehead, nose and chin) remains oily while the cheeks remain dry. As a result, the T-zone has large skin pores and records occasional outbursts of acne breakouts and inflammations while the cheeks remain itchy and flaky. Though the degree of oiliness and dryness can vary from person to person, the quality of the skin remains tricky. Common Causes of Combination Skin Hormonal Imbalances This is the one of the pr


You can't avoid the effects of aging.…. It’s an unfortunate fact of life that no matter what you do to naturally help the anti-aging process, some lines and wrinkles will eventually appear. The good news is, if you catch them before they become too deep, there are treatments - dermabrasion and microdermabrasion - that can smooth out fine lines and reduce the effect of aging. So, what is dermabrasion? A simple way of describing dermabrasion is as a skin refinishing treatment where the outermost layers are scraped away leaving just the smoother, fresher skin below.  Dermabrasion is a radical treatment - a complete surgical process that should be performed only by a trained and experienced cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist. Before agreeing to dermabrasion, make sure your doctor is properly qualified as the result is going to affect your face, the part of your body that friends and strangers are drawn to first. What happens during a dermabrasion procedure? Have you ever used an electri

Chemical Peels

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Anti-Aging Skin Care Ingredients

The quest for the ultimate anti-aging ingredient.. Anti-aging skin care is in a state of constant development. With huge profits being ploughed into more and more research, cosmetic companies and dermatologists are continually taking the quest for the ultimate anti-aging ingredient up to the next level.  So how do you pick your way through the minefield? What should you be looking for in an anti-aging skin care product to avoid wasting your hard earned cash on ingredients that simply don't do what they claim? Two key questions to ask about any ingredient.. In our opinion there are two key questions to ask about any anti-aging skin care ingredient or product: Firstly - is there reputable research evidence to show that the ingredient works when topically applied?  Many cosmetic manufacturers jump on the latest bandwagon from the anti-aging industry and take anti-aging ingredients that have been shown to be effective orally and add them to a skin care product.  That's fine if ther